Saturday, September 27, 2008

The *fake* cougar

Sometime during the summer, a cougar was shot by a landowner and given over to Fish and Wildlife. The cougar was stuffed and put on a wall mount, and Brad had to transport it from Lethbridge to the Pass. Well, he decided to stop at home to show Gwen the cougar. It was pretty funny -- he had it standing in the back of his truck (he has a topper on his truck, so you can't see it until you open a window or the hatch), and when you open the window, you see this cougar face looking out at you. Well, I think I have a very strong flight response, and despite knowing that it was in there, I still screamed when Brad opened the back hatch. Gwen, on the other hand, thought it was great and wasn't scared at all. So, I decided to get the dogs to come look at the cougar to see what they would do. Pharaoh was pretty much just like Gwen -- curious (or clueless!). But Indy! Geesh, he must have my strong flight response! I don't even think he really saw the cougar, but as soon as he smelled it, he ran back into the yard, tail between his legs, and wouldn't come out again. It was pretty funny!


Blazingstar said...

Poor Indy!! He must have thought it was the biggest kitty he'd ever seen (smelled?)!

Sarah said...

OMG that is funny!!!