Monday, September 15, 2008

Potty Training

Well, it's been a long up-hill battle at times, but Gwen seems to have the hang of it! I think we started potty training her in April, at which time she really wasn't very good, and have gone through lots of ups and downs since then. She would get really good for a while, and then go back to having accidents. Putting her in 'real' underwear, instead of training pants, seemed to help a lot, even though you have to be prepared to clean up accidents! I think she thought training pants were a lot like diapers though and it was easier to go in them then to go to the potty. For the past month, she has been doing really well, and even uses public washrooms now. We still have a couple of things to work on -- like not peeing in her training pants during her naps and night-time, but I can deal with that! She still has the occasional accident, but they are fewer and far between. She will even go to the potty on her own now. It is such a relief! I can honestly say that potty training is not fun! It is hard not to lose your temper when you are so sure your child knows not to pee on the floor, but does it anyway! She also peed a number of times on my bed, which made me so mad, but you just have to grit your teeth and explain to her that she needs to go on the potty, not the bed. I hear about people that have their kids trained in a couple of days -- I don't know how they do it! I'm sure it has a lot to do with the child though -- Gwen is very stubborn, and if she doesn't want to go to the potty, she won't! Rewards definitely seemed to help though -- there are stickers all over my house!

In the meantime, I will say that it sure is nice having only one child in diapers :)

1 comment:

Blazingstar said...

oh my gosh - that is much worse than house training puppies!!!