Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Barking Dogs

Is it just me, or are people getting more and more intolerant of any disturbance that might be around? What I am thinking about specifically is animals. People complain about barking dogs, spraying cats, singing birds, bumble-bees -- I think any kind of animal can come under fire. And while I do see how these things can be annoying at times, why do people have to get so nasty about it?

We are animal lovers at my house, and as such, we have come under fire recently. We have been living in our house for four years now, and have two large dogs -- one flat-coated retriever and one smooth collie. In general, they are good dogs. We have done obedience classes with them, as well as some extras like agility, conformation, and competition obedience. Our problem with them lies in the fact that we live in a corner house, and our dogs (our collie in particular), like to bark at people and other animals that walk by. We try to curb their barking whenever possible, which entails going outside and making them stop, or bringing them in the house when they get too noisy. I don't think that they bark an unreasonable amount -- certainly no more than any of the other neighbourhood dogs. We haven't received any complaints -- that is, until we went for a day trip to visit family and left the dogs in the backyard. Normally, we don't do that, but it was nice outside and we couldn't take them with us. Well. When we got home, there was a very nasty note on our front door asking us to shut our f***ing dogs up. Wow. The pure rudeness of the note took us aback. I'm sorry if our dogs were bothering you, but why do people have to be so rude? Come and tell us to our faces if they are bothering you, and we will definitely try to do something about it. And it's not just us that have had complaints about our dogs. A friend of ours got visited by the town, who told her there were complaints about her dogs and she would be fined if there were any more. A couple of people in my mother's neighbourhood have to leave their dogs inside all the time because of complaints. What is a person supposed to do? Very few people have the perfect pets that will cause no problems ever in their lives. Most of us try to lessen the problems, but a lot of these behaviours are natural instincts coming through and I think are very difficult to stop completely. I don't know. It just really disturbs me that people have such a hard time living with others, including those of the animal world. I find it sad and disheartening that people have to lash out with vulgarity if something is bothering them.

Unfortunately for my dogs, my collie will be testing out a bark-control collar, and they both may be staying inside a lot more.

1 comment:

Downey said...

Sounds like the individual has no communicatin skills (probably a teenager that was hungover and got woken up while trying to sleep through the afternoon:)